West Seattle High School PTSA

Parent Education: Health Youth Survey Results

Suicide Prevention Video for Parents

1.19.22 PTSA Parent Ed Meeting “Parenting Through a Pandemic” Meeting Recording

Sound Discipline Resources: https://www.sounddiscipline.org/resources-by-theme/

WSHS Mental Health Resources
Below are some mental health resources from the counselors that are used in the school
community to share with our families.
● TeenLink: https://www.teenlink.org/resources/
● TeenLink Resource Booklet:
So many resources on different topics and highly recommended by the counselors.
● Student-created article on accessing mental health services throughout the Greater
Seattle Area:
● Seattle Children’s Hospital Mental Health Resource Hub:
● Crisis Line: https://www.crisistextline.org/text-us/
Ability to text or call trained adults or teens for mental health support.
● Multicultural Counselor Directory: https://www.multiculturalcounselors.org/
● WA 211: https://wa211.org/
State-wide resources—a caller can be directed to specific resources or
Additional resources at WSHS:
● WSHS Counseling Center Mental Health & Wellness:
● Teen Health Center at WSHS:

2/11/21 WSHS, with the support of PTSA, hosted its fourth annual Forefront Suicide Prevention parent night.  This focused on learning the stats and risk factors for teen suicide, as well as teaching parents active listening skills and how to listen to their teens with empathy.  Please direct questions to school counselor Mallory Neuman at mlneuman@seattleschools.org.  Please see the participant packet and Supporting Your Teen document.